Search results

15 results for the query «search-results»

  • Allumettières vs Alexandre-Taché

    Why run the tram along boulevard Alexandre-Taché/Lucerne instead of boulevard des Allumettières? Allumettières vs Alexandre-Taché Urban travel and development studies have shown that chemin d’Aylmer and boulevard Alexandre-Taché (to the south) and boulevard du Plateau (to the north) are the axes most conducive to attracting a large number of users to link Gatineau’s west end […]

  • Documents

    Studies and public consultation reports The information contained in these documents is to be considered in light of when it was generated. Certain elements will be reviewed in greater depth in collaboration with the project’s technical teams. The contents of this page will be updated throughout the project planning period.

  • Intermodality

    On foot, by bike, by tram… What does intermodality mean? Intermodality provides the opportunity for greater flexibility in the choice of transportation modes available to the population. It is designed to allow for a combination of several transportation modes for any given trip, while making it possible to adapt choices to the weather: taking the […]

  • FINAL__2018_02_14_Etude_de_louest_-_Document_sommaire_pour_public


  • September 6, 2023

    The tram’s role in urban densification

    A tram is a dedicated transportation service that lessens urban sprawl by promoting densification thanks to its offer of high frequency service, its accessibility and its ability to get people close to where they work and play.