The history of the Outaouais’s tram The history of the Outaouais’s tram
Learn more: The history of the Outaouais’s tramOver the years, this mode of transportation has evolved significantly. Today’s trams are a far cry from those of the past. Overview of the history of the Outaouais’ tram.
The tram’s role in urban densification The tram’s role in urban densification
Learn more: The tram’s role in urban densificationA tram is a dedicated transportation service that lessens urban sprawl by promoting densification thanks to its offer of high frequency service, its accessibility and its ability to get people close to where they work and play.
The tram : an engine for sustainable development The tram : an engine for sustainable development
Learn more: The tram : an engine for sustainable developmentDesigned to meet mobility needs over the next five decades for the city’s west end, the tram is a lever that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, help limit urban sprawl and promote the region’s economic prosperity.
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